What are some best practices for cPanel updates?
Because each new feature or change that cPanel releases can cover different technologies or areas of the user interface, the general best practice is to simply be aware of what release tier and version your server is on, and regularly review the upcoming changes so that you can decide whether or not a new change or feature would change the way that you're currently doing business. Below you'll find a number of resources that you can use to keep up with this process.
Become Familiar with cPanel's Product Versions and Release Process
cPanel Docs - Product Versions and Release Process
Choose a release tier that best fits your situation:
How to Change the Release Tier On Your Server
Review Our Changelogs and Release Notes Regularly
Get Information on Upcoming Changes and Features with our "Up Next" page
Sign Up for our Product and Technical Updates Newsletter
Watch for important security and other announcements:
While custom Apache Configuration Templates may be necessary in some cases, they may require additional work on your part to update them to be compatible with some new versions of cPanel's EA Apache. Whenever possible you should convert your required changes from a template to an include.
You can read about custom Templates here:
And you can read about Includes here;
Easy Apache Virtualhost Includes
If you must make use of custom templates you may consider selecting the STABLE or LTS release tier and then watch our change logs and release notes closely for information about when you may need to make changes to your custom templates to be compatible with our newest versions. Updates that would require you to modify your custom templates are relatively rare, but it is easier if you can use includes instead so that you do not need to maintain custom templates.
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