Why am I seeing "This account has reached the fixed block count 5120000" in List accounts, and when running the API command whmapi1 get_upgrade_opportunities
With cPanel version 104, we added a check that allows server administrators to see which users are consuming a large number of blocks on disk at a glance. This warning was displayed to users with unlimited quotas, leading to confusion.
Blocks are the parts of the hard disk divided into sections of bytes, as the block size can be different between implementations, such as file systems and Linux utilities. cPanel uses 1024 for the block size, which is consistent with what most Linux utilities use for block size.
In version 106, we silenced these warnings for unlimited users. If you're seeing this message for accounts version 106 and after, it means the user has used at least 75 percent of its disk space allotment or has reached fixed block count value.
Please take a look at the following documentation for more information.
WHM - Account Information - List Accounts - Upgrade Opportunities
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