You might be interested to see what accounts/domains on your server have their "MAX_EMAIL_PER_HOUR" limit (Maximum number of emails sent per hour) above a certain number.
For example the following command will list of all the accounts on the server with "MAX_EMAIL_PER_HOUR" limit greater than 250 and that also includes those accounts with their "MAX_EMAIL_PER_HOUR" value set to unlimited:
{ MAX=250;find /var/cpanel/users/ -type f | while read file; do VALUE=`grep -Ei "MAX_EMAIL_PER_HOUR.*?=[0-9]+" $file | awk -F"=" '{print $2}'` && if [[ "$VALUE" > "$MAX" ]]; then printf "%s" $file | awk -F "/" '{print $NF}'; fi;done && grep -Ei "MAX_EMAIL_PER_HOUR=unlimited" /var/cpanel/users/* | awk -F "/" '{print $5}' | awk -F ":" '{print $1}'; }
You need to change the "MAX=250
" at the start of the above command to whatever max number you have in mind.