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Latest activity by azazels
  • azazels created a post,

    mssql 5.6.40-21.23.55

    hola! despu"s de pasar desde la versi"n 110.0.10 a la 110.0.12, se actualizaron varias librer"as de php5 (php56-php-mssql 5.6.40-21.23.55.cpanel) que provocaron que las conexiones SQL contra servid...

  • azazels commented,

    Can you provide the output of cat /proc/mounts as requested previously? sorry, I hadn't realized ... rootfs / rootfs rw 0 0 sysfs /sys sysfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0 proc /proc proc...

  • azazels commented,

    What is BACKUPDIR: /backuponline Associated with? Seeing the partitioning would be helpful: cat /proc/mounts it is a folder of an external server connected by NFS

  • azazels commented,

    Hello, It doesn't appear to be going far: Queuing daily backup copy of "olivares" for transport of "/backup_nas/2020-02-29/accounts/olivares.tar" to "2020-02-29/accounts/olivares.tar" Though it ...

  • azazels created a post,

    backup frozen

    Hello! I'm seeing that backups do something weird I see that for example the account "olivares" does it without problem, after packaging but it takes 50 minutes to "transport" the packaged file I ...