My question is more of since this “default package/plan” (setup initially by cPanel) is made available for all resellers (as we noticed resellers could use it). This default package seems to have unlimited disk space/bandwidth, and it seems to let resellers have large accounts, bypassing their resources' limitations. Is there a way we can prevent that?
Unfortunately, the default package is built into cPanel account creations. Administrators can restrict resellers from selecting the package but the reseller can choose not to select a package during the account creation.
- If the reseller doesn't select a package for the account, the default package will be used.
To prevent these users from having unlimited resources, it is best to configure the default package values to restrict bandwidth and disk space.
WHM Edit a Package - Resource options
To restrict a reseller from selecting this package, the option can be configured inside the edit reseller privileges.
WHM Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges - Specify packages
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