Attempting to install cPanel on CloudLinux 8 fails with the below errors:
yum install ea-cpanel-tools ea-profiles-cloudlinux ea-profiles-cpanel yum-plugin-universal-hooks
This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux Network server.
Last metadata expiration check: 0:02:59 ago on Tue 26 Jan 2021 04:53:20 PM EST.
No match for argument: ea-cpanel-tools
No match for argument: ea-profiles-cloudlinux
No match for argument: ea-profiles-cpanel
No match for argument: yum-plugin-universal-hooks
Error: Unable to find a match: ea-cpanel-tools ea-profiles-cloudlinux ea-profiles-cpanel yum-plugin-universal-hooks
Installing cPanel version 92 on CloudLinux 8 servers isn't the recommended version to use as it contains a few issues. Since version 92 is experimental for CloudLinux 8, some issues may need to be resolved manually. Such is the case with the missing EasyApache 4 repository. It is recommended to install cPanel version 94 on CloudLinux 8 servers.
cPanel Installation Guide - System Requirements - CloudLinux
However, if you still want to use CloudLinux 8 with version 92, the below workaround will need to be applied before the installation is successful.
Ensure CloudLinux license is activated and the cache has been rebuilt for yum.
/usr/bin/cldetect --update-license
/usr/bin/yum clean all
/usr/bin/yum makecache
Note: If any errors occur regarding the license, please ensure the license is properly activated. For example, if you have a key license, the below process would be required to register the license.
/usr/sbin/rhnreg_ks --activationkey=<activation key> --force
Be sure to replace <activation key> with your CloudLinux license activation key.
Install the EasyApache 4 repo:
yum install
Then finally run the installer:
cd /home && curl -o latest -L && sh latest
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