What is the meaning of the "/bin/gtar: /var/run/program/sock: socket ignored" warning message mean?
When using the 'gtar' command, it will not add 'socket' files into an archive. 'socket' files are special I/O files that are active when processes are running.
This is the expected behavior. On a cPanel server, this means you will see a similar message in your backup logs. These can be safely ignored.
/bin/gtar: /var/cpanel/php-fpm/user1/sock: socket ignored
/bin/gtar: /var/cpanel/php-fpm/user2/sock: socket ignored
The messages produced by 'gtar' are warning messages. If you run 'gtar' by command-line, you can suppress the warnings by using the following option, '--warning='no-file-ignored''.
(With Option):
# tar --warning='no-file-ignored' -cpzf asdf.tar.gz /var/run/*
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
(Without Option):
# tar -cpzf asdf.tar.gz /var/run/*
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
tar: /var/run/acpid.socket: socket ignored
tar: /var/run/chrony/chronyd.sock: socket ignored
tar: /var/run/cphulkd_db.sock: socket ignored
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