Many providers now block outbound connections on port 25, which means that a cPanel system would need to configure a smarthost to allow for outbound emails to function. This resource will go through how to set up a smarthost using a common 3rd-party mail provider, SendGrid.
SendGrid has a free plan that allows for 40,000 emails to be sent through their system within the account's first 30 days. After the 30 days has concluded, the free plan only allows 100 emails per day.
1. Sign up for SendGrid, if you have not already done so.
New Account | Sendgrid
2. Log in to WHM as the root user. Once logged in, navigate to WHM > Service Configuration > Exim Configuration Manager > Advanced Editor. On this page, search for "Section: AUTH". In the text box, input the following:
driver = plaintext
public_name = LOGIN
client_send = : apikey : YOUR-SENDGRID-API-KEY
- You must replace "YOUR-SENDGRID-API-KEY" with your own generated API token within SendGrid. The token must have minimum permissions of 'Mail' to function correctly.
- It is also possible to enter the route configuration in the ROUTERSTART or PREROUTERES section instead of POSTMAILCOUNT, but doing so will stop some mail limits from working. We advise you to use POSTMAILCOUNT unless you have a good reason not to.
3. Go to the "Section: POSTMAILCOUNT" section, and input the following in the text box:
- v108 and above:
driver = manualroute
domains = ! +local_domains
# if outbound, and forwarding has been done, use an alternate transport
transport = ${if eq {$local_part@$domain} \
{$original_local_part@$original_domain} \
{sendgrid_smtp} {sendgrid_forwarded_smtp}}
transport = sendgrid_smtp
route_list = "* byname"
host_find_failed = defer
- v106 and below:
driver = manualroute
domains = ! +local_domains
transport = sendgrid_smtp
route_list = "* byname"
host_find_failed = defer
- If any domains are configured with manualmx entries, use the following "domains" line instead:
domains = ! +local_domains : ! +manualmx_domains
4. Add the following into the "Section: TRANSPORTSTART" text box:
driver = smtp
hosts =
hosts_require_auth = $host_address
hosts_require_tls = $host_address
4.1. If your server is running v108 or above, add the following into the "Section: TRANSPORTSTART" text box as well:
driver = smtp
hosts =
hosts_require_auth = $host_address
hosts_require_tls = $host_address
max_rcpt = 1
return_path = ${srs_encode {SRS_SECRET} {$return_path} {$original_domain}}
5. Navigate to the bottom of the page, and click, "Save". This saves the changes that have been made and automatically restarts the Exim service.
6. Now try sending a test email, preferably from one of the Webmail applications, and verify that it is received. If the email gets queued on the server, you must examine the /var/log/exim_mainlog
file to determine the cause of the issue.
- This guide is a task intended for system administrators. cPanel's Technical Analysts cannot provide assistance in configuring a server's smarthost setup.
- Configuring a smarthost will cause all outbound emails to go through the configured provider. The scope of this document does not cover how to configure a subset of domains to go through a smarthost; this must be configured by the system administrator of the server.
- A similar resource for setting up a smarthost with MailGun:
How to use MailGun as a Smarthost
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