On a server with IPv6 enabled, AAAA records (IPv6 authority records) must be set for domains. If not, websites will fail to load for sites with visitors that have devices with IPv6 enabled on them.
To see if your device/workstation has IPv6 enabled, visit the URL http://test-ipv6.com/.
To add an AAAA record, please see our documentation:
- WHM interface Edit DNS Zone.
- cPanel interface Zone Editor.
You can find out what IPv6 address a domain is using by running the following command:
Please replace "DOMAIN.TLD" with the actual domain.
An example of the output is:
workstation@buisness [~]$ host DOMAIN.TLD
DOMAIN.TLD has address
DOMAIN.TLD has IPv6 address 2001:db8:d4a3:e84a:834c:a112:cd97:1ca3
DOMAIN.TLD mail is handled by 10 mail.DOMAIN.TLD.
workstation@buisness [~]$
"2001:db8:d4a3:e84a:834c:a112:cd97:1ca3" in this example is the IPv6 address that must be set for the AAAA record for the example domain.
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