How can I change the backup time?
When backups are enabled the backup script is executed via the following cronjob:
0 2 * * * /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup
By default, this cronjob will run at 2:00 AM, where the server is located. The time the cronjob runs can be changed in WHM >> Configure cPanel Cron Jobs. You can configure the day(s) of the week where backups will run in the Scheduling and Retention section of WHM >> Backup Configuration. If you would like to run a backup on a recently scheduled day, but after the scheduled time, the backup script will need to be run manually.
To run a backup manually, you can run the backup script via SSH as the root user with the '--force' option:
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup --force
Further information can be found in our documentation here:
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