upcp, the cPanel update script, has a flag, "--sync." What does it do? When should I use it?
upcp --sync replaces every cPanel provided binary on the system with the original copy directly from our servers. It is useful in troubleshooting errors due to the following reasons:
- A cPanel provided file was mistakenly deleted or corrupted
- An update failed in a minor way that caused a cPanel provided file to be out of sync
- A hardware error caused corruption with the cPanel install
If you have modified any of the cPanel system files, these changes may be overwritten when using this utility.
As this method is rather broad--it replaces every binary and script cPanel provides with the original from our servers--it becomes nearly impossible to pinpoint the original reason that the original file was corrupt. Both the corrupt file and any attributes that would give any indication of why it was corrupt have been replaced by the sync.
These issues should be extremely rare, as they're usually caused by network issues, hardware failures, or unintentional modifications by a user.
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