You may want to ensure that the server notifications are working properly, to ensure that you will be alerted of specific events that are triggered. Here we will discuss how you may test server notifications.
1. Ensure that your notifications methods have been set up.
For notifications, your server uses the information that you entered in the Contact Information tab of WHM’s Basic WebHost Manager Setup interface ("WHM >> Home >> Server Configuration >> Basic WebHost Manager Setup"). To change this information, click "Edit" next to the communication type you need to change. A new interface will appear.
2. Visit "WHM » Home » Server Contacts » Contact Manager," and click the "Communication Type" tab.
To test notifications via ICQ, Post to URL, Pushbullet™, or Slack®, click "Test" in the appropriate row. The system will send a test notification to the destination for that communication type.
3. For Email or SMS, you will need to manually trigger an event and check your email and/or phone to ensure that the alerts were received. You can find more information on all the alert types and the events that trigger them here:
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