Linking two cPanel servers is production-ready and no longer experimental since cPanel version 94. This feature lets you offload mail functionality from your primary cPanel & WHM server to a separate server that only serves mail. This article provides details about how to transfer accounts linked to mail node (mail profile) servers.
- De-distribute accounts from the mail node
Undoing an account’s distribution
To de-distribute an account, use the Linked Nodes section in WHM’s Modify an Account interface (WHM >> Home >> Account Functions >> Modify an Account).
- After accounts have been de-distributed, remove the accounts from the mail node (mail profile)
Note: The system does not automatically remove the account from the child node. Instead, the child node’s cPanel account remains in place so that service proxying and mail routing can prevent service interruptions. You should leave the child node’s account in place long enough for cached DNS lookups to expire. We recommend one week. Afterward, you can delete the account on the child node. See the documentation for Managing distributed accounts for more information.
- Transfer accounts to the new standard node server with WHM Transfer Tool
How to transfer accounts and configurations between cPanel servers
At this point, you should be all set.
At this time, cPanel supports one parent linked to the same child server. If you want to link the new server, you need to unlink the current mail node (mail profile) child on the source server. After unlinked, you can safely link the mail node (mail profile) server to the new server and finally re-distribute accounts.
Please see the documentation for more information.
cPanel Linked nodes guide - Parent and Child nodes
- Re-distribute accounts to the mail node (mail profile) server
1. Link the new server to the child node via WHM linked nodes interface.
WHM Server Configuration - Linked Server nodes
2. To distribute an account, use the Linked Nodes section in WHM’s Modify an Account interface (WHM >> Home >> Account Functions >> Modify an Account).
Make an existing account a distributed account
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