This article will walk you through creating a mail filter to filter email from a specific email address.
1 - You first must log in to the cPanel associated with the domain(s) you would like to create this filter for.
2 - Click on "Global Email Filters" (account-wide filter) or "Email Filters" (user-specific filter).
2A - For user-specific filters, find the user you wish to create the filter for and click on the blue "Manage Filters" link.
2B - For global email filters, click on the blue "Create Filter" button.
3 - Under the "Filter Name" box, select a name for your filter to help you differentiate it from other filters in the future.
4 - For the "rules" section, choose "From" in the first drop-down box. Select "contains" in the second drop-down box.
5 - Under the "Action" section, select your desired action. Discard email will delete the email, redirect to folder allows you to specify a folder to deliver it to etc.
6 - Click the blue 'create' button.
There are many other actions and parameters that can be chosen when creating a mail filter, for more detailed information, we recommend reviewing our mail filter documentation here.