This guide will explain how to set up your cPanel created email account in the Apple Mail app.
Open Mac Mail
Select Preferences
Click on Accounts tab -> Click the + icon -> Select Add Other Mail Account
Enter your Full name, Email address, and Password and click Create
Mail will automatically detect the settings; if an occurs, ignore it and click Next.
Incoming Mail Settings
Username: Your full email address
Password: Your email account password
Server: mail.domain.tld (replace domain.tld with your domain)
Port: 993
Security Type: SSL/TLS
Authentication: set to Password
Outgoing Mail Settings
Username: Your full email address
Password: Your email account password
Server: mail.domain.tld (replace domain.tld with your domain)
Port: 465 / 587
Security Type: SSL/TLS
Authentication: set to Password
Once your information is filled in, click Create.
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