There may be times you need to suspend more than one email account. Doing this through the interface and clicking each item can take a while. Using the API, can help you quickly automate that process and suspend the users in question.
If you wish to suspend the entire domain, you can use
whmapi1 suspend_outgoing_email user=example
If you prefer to suspend a specific email account login, you can use the suspend_login API call.
uapi --user=username Email suspend_login
To suspend incoming mail, you can use the suspend_incoming
uapi --user=username Email suspend_incoming
And to suspend outgoing mail, use the suspend outgoing command:
uapi --user=username Email suspend_outgoing
If you need to unsuspend the account, change suspend to unsuspend in the API call.
You can use those commands to suspend or unsuspend the Incoming, Outgoing, or mail login for a user, and you can utilize those to help automate and speed up your process.
Related documentation:
Suspend email account incoming (SMTP) mail
Suspend cPanel account outgoing email
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