Can cPanel's BoxTrapper Help Reduce Spam?
Yes, absolutely! BoxTrapper is a very effective means of preventing spam from getting to your inbox.
The BoxTrapper feature filters spam from your inbox through challenge-response verification.
When an account with BoxTrapper enabled receives an email from an unknown source, BoxTrapper automatically sends a verification email in response.
This verification process can easily be completed by a real human within a few seconds, and only has to be done once.
Spambots, however, have a much more difficult time completing this verification process.
As a result, BoxTrapper greatly reduces the amount of spam that reaches your inbox while introducing minimal friction to communication with the people that actually need to communicate with you.
How to Enable BoxTrapper for your Email Account
Enable Via Webmail
1. Login to your webmail account with your email address and email password. Typically you would use a URL similar to the following to get to the login page:
2. It is possible that your webmail is configured to bring you directly to your Horde or Roundcube inbox rather than the cPanel Webmail Home. If you find yourself at your inbox instead of the cPanel Webmail Home, do the following:
A. Horde - In the Horizontal taskbar at the top of the page, click "cPanel Webmail Home"
B. Roundcube - In the sidebar on the left side, click the orange cP icon that says "Webmail Home"
3. Once you are at the cPanel Webmail Home page, scroll down to the "Fight Spam" section and click on the "Box Trapper" icon.
4. Look near the top of the page where it says "Current Status". If it says "Disabled" click the button next to it to enable BoxTrapper.
5. Review the list of links on that page and make any customizations if you want to alter the default functionality.
Enable Via cPanel
1. Login to cPanel with the cPanel username and password that owns the email address that you would like to enable this feature for.
2. Under the Email section, click on the BoxTrapper icon.
3. The table on that page will display the status of boxtrapper for all email accounts. For an account that has a disabled status, click on the "Manage" link.
4. Click on the "Enable" button, and then explore the other available options to customize the configuration if you would like to change the default options.
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