I have the following options enabled in cPanel -> Contact Information:
- Someone logs in to my account.
- Send login notifications, even when the user logs in from an IP address range or netblock that contains an IP address from which a user successfully logged in previously.
But I am not receiving login notifications when someone logs into my cPanel. Why is this?
cPanel user login notifications will not be sent out if the IP address logging into the account is whitelisted cPHulkd. Please have the server's administrator check to make sure that the IP address accessing the user's cPanel is not whitelisted in WHM -> cPHulk Brute Force Protection -> Whitelist Management. This also applies to country whitelists in WHM -> cPHulk Brute Force Protection -> Countries Management.
cPanel user login notifications are also only sent out once every 24 hours for a specific username, service, and IP address combination.
Further information regarding the Contact Information cPanel interface and how the system sends these notifications can be found in our documentation below:
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