You may find the following message displayed on older outdated webpages or scripts when you visit them in your browser:
CGIEmail is disabled on this system
This message is displayed in cPanel 68 and newer when a website attempts to make use of an outdated and insecure piece of software called CGI Email. CGI Email is a CGI program written in C for Unix that allows a web developer to send the inputs of an HTML form via email.
The CGI Email software was found to have been no longer maintained and contained security vulnerabilities at the time that cPanel 68 was published. For those reasons, CGI Email was removed from cPanel. Our release notes document this removal:
cPanel Docs - cPanel 68 Release Notes - Removed CGI Email and CGI Echo
A more modern and secure approach would be to make use of PHP or another maintained scripting language to create HTML forms and mail the inputs. We have a guide that explains the process of creating an HTML form and emailing the inputs with the actively maintained PHP Mailer library:
How to use PHP Mailer to create an HTML form / Contact form to send the form data via email
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