Horde mailbox export fails with an error message similar to the following error: (Replace $USER
with the username/account that owns the email)
tail -f /home/$USER/logs/.php.error.log
[03-Mar-2022 16:41:53 America/Sao_Paulo] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 198851159 bytes) in Unknown on line 0
This issue usually has to do with php-fpm memory limit for that account and can be resolved by simply increasing the memory_limit value.
Open below file and increase the memory_limit to 1 GB: (Replace $USER
with the username/account that owns the email)
root@server [~]# grep -Ei memory_limit /var/cpanel/php-fpm.d/$USER.conf
php_value[memory_limit] = "1G"
Restart the service:
In case PHP-FPM is not running the following steps can be attempted alternatively:
Add the above line to this file instead:
And then run the following script:
Note: If the above changes alone does not resolve this issue then it might be also necessary to update the memory_limit in one or both of the following files: