After installing the 3rdparty plugin called NexusCore, the below emails are being received every minute.
From: "(Cron Daemon)" <>
Subject: Cron <root@srv1> /usr/local/nexuscore/utils/create_logs > /dev/null
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 2021 02:20:01 +0200
/bin/sh: /usr/local/nexuscore/utils/create_logs: Permission denied
NexusCore is a 3rdparty plugin that allows you to add .NET support to a cPanel server. The installer appears to install scripts without the executable permission. When scripts are run without executable permission, the system will usually generate a "Permission denied" error.
cPanel doesn't provide direct support for this plugin, and it would be best to reach out to the developers to review this concern further. The plugin developer website can be found in the application catalog here:
NexusCore NET Core for cPanel WHM
Please note that cPanel, LLC only supports the cPanel-provided software and does not provide general system-administration services. You may, therefore, wish to seek assistance from a qualified system administrator for this issue.
If you do not have such an administrator, you may search for one in our listings here:
System Administration Services
However, please note that cPanel, LLC does not endorse or recommend any particular provider on that list, nor can we be held liable for any services performed by third-party providers, including those on the list.
The cron can be silenced by adjusting the cron syntax. The cron is located at path "/etc/cron.d/nexuscore-logs".
The cron file contains the following line:
* * * * * root /usr/local/nexuscore/utils/create_logs > /dev/null
Change this to read the below: ( Edit the file with a text edit like vi, vim, or nano in SSH )
* * * * * root /usr/local/nexuscore/utils/create_logs > /dev/null 2>&1
The output from the cron will then be redirected to "/dev/null" without generating an email. I also suspect the workaround for the "Permission denied" error is to make the script executable.
chmod +x /usr/local/nexuscore/utils/create_logs
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