When attempting to create an email account the following error is generated via the interface:
Error: The system failed to create the user: (XID dsqayw) The system received an error from “SQLite”: SQLITE_CORRUPT (database disk image is malformed)
This issue can occur when the Subaccount SQLite database is corrupt resulting in the email account not being able to be added successfully.
The SQLite database can be found in the following location:
The following command can be utilized to move the database (by renaming) which will allow for the email account to be added:
mv /home/$user/.subaccounts/storage.sqlite{,.bak}
The database can be regenerated using the following command:
/scripts/upgrade_subaccount_databases --user=$user
Please note that in both of the above commands you will need to replace "$user" with the cPanel user account.
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