How can I configure every single domain on my server to have Remote MX routing?
To start, before following any of the steps below I would suggest creating copies of the following files so the action can be reverted if it was unintentionally done.
If all of the domains on the server already point to another mx host then the following command will update the routing to set these to be remote.
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/checkalldomainsmxs --yes
If this doesn't work, then using a bash WHILE loop to loop through all users and domains and using the UAPI command to update these to remote routing will be necessary. I've added a functional While loop below as well as documentation on the uapi command as well as how While loops work.
How to use a while loop in BASH to iterate over all cPanel users on a server
Uapi set_always_accept documentation
awk -F[\ \:] '!/nobody/{print $1 " " $3}' /etc/userdomains | while read DOMAIN USER ; do /usr/bin/uapi --user=${USER} Email set_always_accept domain=${DOMAIN} mxcheck=remote ; done
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